Kanopi Kanopi


Coffee Culture & Handpicked Reads

We're a neighborhood specialty café and concept store with indie books, magazines and vintage fashion selected by Holy Garbage ⭐️
Wie bist du zu deinem Thema oder deiner Tätigkeit gekommen?
This story starts with a bean of coffee. The dream to build a community in the age of loneliness. Whether you find that friend in a book we love, or in a crazy conversation with the misfits ordering their third morning coffee, we’ll know we got it right if you leave Kanopi a little more curious than you arrived.
  • meditation
  • achtsamkeit
  • gutes leben
  • mindfulness
  • natur
  • pflanzenwissen
  • naturwissen
  • indie-mags
  • magazine
  • bücher
  • buch
  • magazin
  • lesen
  • kaffee
  • coffee
  • cafe
  • vintage
  • mode
  • fashion
  • kunst
  • art
  • kunstbücher
  • design
Treffen & Termine
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